UST ChES Welcomes the Semester with ChEARS!

By Patrizia Angelie Feliciano

The UST Chemical Engineering Society held an academic reinforcement session for the third and fourth year chemical engineering students entitled, "ChEARS: Sem Starter" last August 12, 2017 at Labs 5, 10 and 11 of the Roque RuaƱo Building.

Students who attended the learning program were all looking forward to have a grasp and insight of their next five months in Chemical Engineering. “I attended ChEARS because I have no idea of what awaits us this academic year, and I can say that this event is of great help to us to have a preview, and to know what to expect this semester,” according to Judy Ann Mae Del Rosario, a third year participant. 

Lectures on the courses, Differential Equations, Physical Chemistry, Stoichiometry I, and Statics of Rigid Bodies were given to the third year students by the ChEAR leaders namely Phil Joven Kabigting, Lovella Kate Sabile, Camille Sudario, and Joshua Solomon. Meanwhile, discussions on Momentum Transfer and Heat and Mass Transfer for fourth year students were carried out by UST ChE alumni, Denzel Soliaban and Ronald Reveche.
Phil Joven Kabigting teaching Differential Equations.
(Photo by: UST Membership and Documentations
Lovella Sabile discussing a topic on Physical Chemistry.
(Photo by: UST ChES Membership and Documentations
The said session was not only confined in arming up the students in acing their academics but also included games, such as the modified version of the classic “Bato-Bato Pik," wherein the players used their bodies to form "rock", "paper", and "scissors" at a given cue.

In the said game, students were to find their partners to play the usual bato-bato pik wherein the winners will then compete for the final round. The final round was made intense by the game masters' twist in which players are positioned back to back with their opponent, and will jump away from each other until the cue "pik".

As a motivation for the students to participate, prizes were given to students who were brave enough to answer questions and share their knowledge to the class.

The spearheads of this project, Francis Rosales and Danica Alburo, executive associates of ChES, were relieved that the event progressed successfully after encountering some problems in its preparation. 

“Even though a few number of fourth year students attended, I am happy to see them enjoy what we have prepared for them. Since this is my first time to be an executive associate of ChES and to be a project head, I have learned a lot of things from managing papers to handling tedious tasks. We have experienced some difficulties yet I am very thankful that everything went as planned,” Rosales said.
(Photo by: UST ChES Membership and Documentations

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