Learning Gears Given Away by UST ChES

by Ma. Kassandra Tan

In line with UST ChES’ mission of imparting inclusive, equitable, and quality education for its members, a project entitled, "ASAP: A Student Assistance Program" was conducted. The project commenced its application period from August 9 to 13, conducted its screening process on August 14, and held its awarding ceremony this August 18, 2017. The assistance program offered book scholarships and calculator scholarships to students who are diligent in their studies but have a hard time acquiring these learning materials.

Unlike last year, this year’s screening process consisted of a short quiz on chemical engineering concepts for calculator scholarship applicants, and an essay for book scholarship applicants, replacing the usual interview. 60 percent of the applicant’s grade originated from the written exam, the latter 40 percent from the applicant’s rationale. The highest scorer per batch shall receive the scholarship. In the case of the book scholarship, the top 3 highest passing takers shall receive the books of their choice.

A total of 27 students applied for the book and calculator scholarship. Book scholars were Alyssa Mae Aguila (3rd Year), Mark Anthony Fenix (3rd Year), Marvin Huang (3rd Year), Jernette Louise Oblepias (4th Year), and Charlene Mae Tapit (4th year). Books given included Young and Freedman’s University Physics, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, etc. Tapit, one of the book scholars, said:  “I always look forward to UST ChES’ book scholarship every semester. It is really helpful especially for students who are financially unstable like me.” 

Ariana Nicole Religioso (3rd Year), Jay Rusell Avendaño (4th Year), and Ma. Kassandra Tan (5th Year) were the recipients of the calculator scholarship. Each of them received a Casio fx- 991EX ClassWhiz Scientific Calculator. The books and calculators given came from the donations of the alumni and the faculty members. 

Lovella Kate Sabile, project head of ASAP, said “that the project is really essential since it helps financially unstable but dedicated students do well in their studies.” The two project heads believe in the importance of learning, and its active role in determining one’s future. Both of them felt happy to be of service to the book and calculator scholars. “If there is one thing that I’ve learned from organizing this project that is to be generous to others,” said Chasin Krishna Cabriga, co-project head of ASAP.

*ASAP: A Student Assistance Program is a two-part event. Part two shall happen next semester.

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