Sabile Elected as New ChES President; Satisfactory Voter Turnout Rates for ChE

By Ma. Kassandra Tan

In the recently concluded election last May 10 to 11, fourth year aspirant Lovella Kate M. Sabile of CONVERGE was proclaimed the president garnering a total of 83.77% votes. 

CONVERGE party dominated the roster of newly elected ChES officers with Kaye Nicole T. Suing as the Executive Vice President (75. 92% votes), Marie Antoinette P. Catangay as the Executive Secretary (63.35% votes), Judy Ann Mae M. Del Rosario as the Vice President for Academic Affairs (79.06% votes),  Alfrancis C. Urlanda as the Vice President for Marketing (87.96% votes), Monica Lea S. Bautista as the Vice President for Audit and Logistics (76.44% votes),  Jay Russel M. Avendano as the Vice President for Public Relations (73.30% votes), Joshua S. Aldave as the Vice President for Social Welfare (85.96% votes), and Sentiniel A. Canlas as the Vice President for Socio-cultural Projects (81.15% votes).

Franz Joshua Raoul D.R. Bulatao who ran for Executive Treasurer came close to 50.26% votes. In the advent that an unopposed candidate does not reach 60% of the total votes, the incumbent executive council shall instead submit  a list of qualified nominees to the vacant position to ChESelect.

UST ChES released a statement last May 18 appointing Eunice E. Red as the new Executive Treasurer and Stephanie Clare S. Purugganan as the new Vice President for Multimedia Arts.

With regards to the turnout of votes, this academic year had a total of 191 voters and a voter turnout of 60.63%. 

UST-ChESelect Chairperson Ma. Alyssa C. Alcala said that a voter turnout of 60.63% is satisfactory but there are [still] lots of room for improvement. She further stated that the lack of time of their campaign period may be a factor to the voter turnout, but nonetheless, the candidates gave their all despite the time constraint.
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