Gear Up (Phase One): A Career Seminar

By Ciara Jane Roncales and Ma. Kassandra Tan
With hopes of alleviating the difficulty of the internship and job hunting process for its members, UST ChES conducted an event entitled, "Gear Up: A Career Seminar" last October 24 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at the AMV Multipurpose Hall. The project aimed to give the students an early overview of the industry immersion, and to guide the students by providing them with the proper etiquette and skill set necessary for their upcoming career encounters, in addition to the 4th year students' Technical Communicatiin course.

The first resource speaker, Engr. Jose Luis A. San Mateo, discussed about interview etiquette, and tackled the techniques essential in an interview1. He commented on various levels of a job interview, from the proper appearance and posture to the interview proper itself. He ended the talk by emphasizing that the manner on how you deal and interact with people will determine the output of your interview.

Engr. San Mateo demonstrating good
 interview etiquette (Photo by: UST ChES
Membership and Documentations Committee)
Afterwards, Ms. Justine Lara T. Chua,  founder and writer of The Border Collective, talked about effective resume writing. She discussed on how to make your resume stand out and on what details should be included and omitted. She also provided valuable pointers and past experiences with her clients in an engaging and unconventional presentation about resume writing.
Ms. Chua giving a talk about effective 
resume writing (Photo by: UST ChES 
Membership and Documentations Committee)
Shortly after her talk, selected 5th year students shared their experiences during their internship hunting, and gave some ideas on what to expect during the application process. They also gave some tips for the smooth transition of the whole immersion process and recommended applying for a company related to your industry of interest to have a glimpse of how it operates and functions.
One of the selected 5th year students
sharing her experiences 
(Photo by: UST ChES Membership and
Documentations Committee)
The project heads, Richelle Espinosa and Cheska Ignacio, commented, “Take things seriously [but] learn to love what you do.” An assessment and personality test was conducted during Espinosa’s interview using a specialized hiring technology. Ignacio was asked about her home responsibilities and management skills and how it relates to her work ethics.

To get some tips and latest updates on interning and job hunting process, you may visit Chua’s facebook page The Border Collective. You may also refer to her website at
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